Si pentru ca marea ne.a chemat la ea inainte de stressiune, am avut un weekend exceptional alaturi de gasca (din 11 oameni doar 3 nu aveau blog:)))! Dar acum incep examenele si deja ziua de ieri pare departe... Cred ca o sa ma dau cu lotiune de plaja, o sa imi iau prosopul, papucii si ...o sa ma apuc de invatat:)
Dar tu, enjoy:
Lostprophets - Last Summer
versuri: The Friday sun bears down again As we drive without friends And on these longest days we spend All the time trying to pretend That our stories could be true Our chance to be cool The setting sunset says the day is through If only we knew... And we all sit around here in our home town Listen to the waves as they all crash down And watch the fire as it slowly burns away Glowing embers fly across the sky
Here by my side, in my summer, our last summer The world passes by in my summer, our last summer The light makes shadows fall, surrounded by each other Alive to watch it all, the view from our last summer The view from our last summer... We trace the sun across the sky
And we laugh till we cry Always so hard to say goodbye (good bye) And we all sit round here in our home town It's so good like this, these are times we'll miss The memories, I hope they'll never fade Glowing embers lie across the sky
Here by my side, in my summer, our last summer The world passes by in my summer, our last summer The light makes shadows fall, surrounded by each other Alive to watch it all, the view through our last summer The view from our last summer...
I would stop time to stay with you I would stop time so we don't move I would stop time I would stop time I would stop time to keep you
Here by my side, in my summer, our last summer The world passes by in my summer, our last summer The light makes shadows fall, surrounded by each other Alive to watch it all, the view from our last summer
Taake in Quantic Club
Norvegienii de la trupa Taake au revenit in Romania pe 14 februarie in
clubul Quantic pentru a celebra 20 de ani de la lansarea albumului
Doedskvad. Au d...
Radio Guerrilla Top Show 2019
Piesele preferate de ascultatorii Radio Guerrilla in 2019 Pentru ca am
vazut ca baietii de la Radio Guerrilla n-au publicat si pe site, ci doar pe
Top Social Brands 2015
Am avut ocazia inedita astazi de a participa la Top Social Brands
Conference, organizata de revista BIZ editia 2015 si cu siguranta nu mi-a
parut rau. Ca s...
“Scrisoare deschisă” pentru cine vrea să citească
Bună, Fac parte deja din categoria aceea de femei care spun “am aproape 30
de ani”, pentru că 27, 28, 29 e tot aia, chiar dacă eu ma simt ca de… eu ma
Cherryculture Haul on Christmas
Hello kitties!
Am asteptat prea mult pentru a lansa la apa aceasta postare.
De Black Friday am profitat de reducerea de 20% pentru a plasa o comanda pe
nu mai stiu
uneori am impresia ca poate nici n’am stiut vreodata. iar noaptea vine cu
dureri de cap, cand respiri greu si te foiesti sub patura din stanga in
dreapta s...
tricks and sleeves
A inceput noul an scolar :))) Nici nu le mai numesc universitare, cause
apparently people will be kids forever.... :))
I am in such a good mood :) You ha...
Vis Partea II
Incerc sa ma ridic in capul patului, dar e greu, capul ma doare rau. Si nu
numai. Il simt ca pe un hard disk. Cu greu reusesc sa ma ridic. Caut
telefonul s...
Snow, cars and brands
M-am trezit si cand m-am uitat pe geam si am vazut cat trebuie sa
dezapesesc la masina in aceasta dimineataa, n-am avut tocmai ganduri
Ce sunt lacrimile? Oare ele sunt doar niste picaturi de apa sarata care ne
arata suferinta sau, de ce nu, bucuria unei persoane? NU! Lacrimile ajung
sa "cu...