Three Days Grace - Break

Three Days Grace au lansat primul single de pe noul album 'Life Starts Now,'.
Suna extraordinar de bine iar versurile sunt geniale:

If you can't stand the way this place is
Take, yourself to higher places

Astept albumul, ce va fi lansat pe data de 22 a lunii.
Pana atunci, enjoy Break!


Tonight, my head is spinning
I need something to pick me up
I've tried but nothing is working
I won't stop
I won't say I've had enough
Tonight, I start the fire
Tonight I break away,

Away from everybody
Away from everything
If you can't stand the way this place is
Take, yourself to higher places

Oh oh

At night I feel like a vampire
It's not right
I just can't give it up
I'll try to get myself higher
Let's go
We're gonna light it up
Tonight we start the fire
Tonight we break away

Away from everybody
Away from everything
If you can't stand the way this place is
Take, yourself to higher places

Oh oh oh

If you can't stand,
The way this place is
Take, yourself, to higher places

Away from everybody
Away from everything
If you can't stand the way this place is
Take, yourself to higher places

Oh oh

Higher places,
Oh oh
To higher places,
Oh oh
Higher places,
Take yourself to higher places
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[thnks again for the pic: TaniDaReal ]
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Sex cu Hitler

Intra ACUM pe site.ul "AIDS is a mass murderer".

Una din cele mai bune campanii de constientizare de anul acesta, cu o reclama care indeamnă tinerii să facă sex protejat ce starnit controverse in intreaga lume, după ce unul dintre protagoniştii clipului in intruchipeaza pe Adolf Hitler.

Reclama este povestea dintre doi tineri care fac sex nebun şi uită să se mai protejeze. Membrii companiei din Hamburg care au creat spotul au declarat: "Campania este facută să arate tinerilor că SIDA ucide oameni în fiecare zi, iar faţa lui Hitler este cel mai reprezentiativ chip pe care-l puteam folosi".

Clipul deja ruleaza la televiziunile din Germania, dar doar după ora 21:00.

Site.ul campaniei are pe pagina principala un counter extrem de dureros, prin realitatea pe care ne.o impartaseste:

"La fiecare 15 secunde, inca o persoana moare pe planeta, rapusa de SIDA."

Mai jos puteti vedea clipul ce a starnit controversa:

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