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Execuţia : solutia Iranului pentru bloggerii incomozi

Daca justitia va decide ca opiniile exprimate pe Internet aduc ofense regimului, bloggerii din Iran risca sa fie condamnati la moarte, a anuntat Realitatea TV(miercuri 10.06.2009).

In Iran, pedeapsa cu moartea este aplicata celor care sunt gasiti vinovati de: crima, viol, adulter dar si de homosexualitate. La acestea se adauga subminarea Republicii Islamice sau ofensele aduse Islamului.

Se pare insa ca in aceasta categorie ar putea intra si cei care isi creaza site-uri sau bloguri si sunt gasiti vinovati ca aduc ofense regimului. Legea a fost aprobata de Parlament, iar acum este in discutie la Consiliul Gardienilor Revolutiei.

Iranul are conform statisticilor cea mai mare comunitate de bloggeri din lume raportat la numarul de locuitori, multe din blogurile acestora fiind axate pe activitati si articole ce se opun ideilor regimului.

Anual 16 bloggeri sunt arestati in intreaga lume, mai multe de jumatate din arestari avand loc in Iran, China si Egipt.

In continuare te las sa urmaresti un scurt film realizat de studentii de la Vancouver Film School in cadrul programului VFS Digital Design.

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Ceriza's playlist - Her Diamonds

In topul CityFM de saptamana trecuta, melodia "Her Diamonds" a lui Rob Thomas era pe locul 12.Dar merita sa ajunga pe primul loc.
Tu ce crezi?

Oh what the hell she says
I just can't win for losing
And she lays back down
Man there's so many times
I don't know what I’m doin'
Like I don't know now

By the light of the moon
She rubs her eyes
Says it's funny how the night
Can make you blind
I can just imagine
And I don't know what I’m supposed to do
But if she feels bad then I do too
So I let her be

And she says oooh
I can't take no more
Her tears like diamonds on the floor
And her diamonds bring me down
Cuz I can't help her now
She’s down in it
She tried her best and now she can't win it's
Hard to see them on the ground
Her diamonds falling down

She sits down and stares into the distance
And it takes all night
And I know I could break her concentration
But it don't feel right

By the light of the moon
She rubs her eyes
[ Rob Thomas Lyrics are found on ]
Sits down on the bed and starts to cry
And there's something less about her
And I don't know what I’m supposed to do
So I sit down and I cry too
And don't let her see

And she says oooh
I can't take no more
Her tears like diamonds on the floor
And her diamonds bring me down
Cuz I can't help her now
She’s down in it
She tried her best and now she can't win it's
Hard to see them on the ground
Her diamonds falling down

She shuts out the night
Tries to close her eyes
If she can find daylight
She’ll be all right
She’ll be all right
Just not tonight

And she says oooh
I can't take no more
Her tears like diamonds on the floor
And her diamonds bring me down
Cuz I can't help her now
She’s down in it
She tried her best and now she can't win it's
Hard to see them on the ground
Her diamonds falling down
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