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Blogul Iqads prezinta astazi o inedita campanie de marketing:

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Home page: este redirectat spre filmul de home page, care a totalizat 228.000 de vizualizari.

Meniu: 4 sectiuni, care au cate un film dedicat: "Work by client”, "Work by medium”, "News, Bios, Etc.”, "Contact Us”, fiecare totalizand intre 30-40.000 afisari, cu exceptia contactului, care a ramas la 15.000.

Submeniuri: in fiecare sectiune, butoane pentru fiecare client si pentru fiecare medium, care duc spre filmuletele corespunzatoare, cu executii. Acestea au sub 10.000 de vizualizari, dar chiar si asa, e mai mult decat si-ar fi putut imagina vreodata. Anticipand, probabil, ca 3 pasi prin acest site (incarcarea a 3 filme) vor fi prea multi pentru majoritatea vizitatorilor; au inclus cele mai seducatoare executii in home page, pentru ca toata lumea sa-si poata face o impresie despre agentie de la bun inceput.

Intr.o lume in continua evolutie, intodeauna vom avea idei noi.Nu va exista niciodata o lipsa acuta de idei bune.So enjoy o mica plimbare prin site.ul celor de la BooneOakley
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Ceriza's playlist - End of the World

In Anglia ninge vara, iar in Romania europarlamentarii au fost alesi: EBa si Becali.
Ambele te fac sa simti ca vine Apocalipsa, nu?

Enjoy Ash si melodia lor "End of the World".

Is this the end of the world (2x)

I'm feeling low today
Is this the latest fashion
What do the papers say
Well then i'm bored already
I could die, would anybody really notice

I can't relate today
I've never felt so lonely
Is this the modern world
Maybe i'm dead already
That's the catch, it's such a beautiful confusion

Is this the end of the world (3x)
Ah-hh, ah-hh

I breathe the motorway
Just for the sake of breathing
I turn the tv on
Don't know what to believe in

Uh ah, uh ah, uh uh uh, oh-hh yeah
Uh ah, uh ah, uh
is this the end of the world (4x)

Can hardly see the stars
There's too much light pollution
Is this reality
Or just some new illusion
That's the catch, it's such a beautiful confusion
That's the catch
It's - such - a - beautiful - confusion
I - can't - stand - it

Is this the end of the world (4x)

The end of the world

Is this the end of the world (This beautiful confusion) (4x)

Ahh-hh, ahh-hh, ahh-hh
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