Ceriza's playlist - Broken

Melodia este pe coloana sonora a filmului The Time Traveler's Wife, alaturi de "Clocks" - Coldplay, "Love Will Tear Us Apart" - Broken Social Scene si "Gone to Earth" - American Analog Set.


Lifehouse - Broken
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The broken clock is a comfort, it helps me sleep tonight
Maybe it can stop tomorrow from stealing all my time
I am here still waiting though I still have my doubts
I am damaged at best, like you've already figured out

I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain there is healing
In your name I find meaning

The broken locks were a warning you got inside my head
I tried my best to be guarded, I'm an open book instead
And I still see your reflection inside of my eyes
That are looking for purpose, they're still looking for life

I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain is the healing
In your name I find meaning
So I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on
I'm barely holdin' on to you

I'm hangin' on another day
Just to see what you will throw my way
And I'm hangin' on to the words you say
You said that I will, will be ok

The broken lights on the freeway left me here alone
I may have lost my way now, having forgot my way home

I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain is there is healing
In your name I find meaning
So I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on
I'm barely holdin' on to you
So I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on
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Movie Idea - The Time Traveler's Wife

Ce reprezinta timpul pentru noi?

Suntem fiinte atat de mici si neinsemnate in comparatie cu Universul si totusi ne consideram cele mai importante.Cu dorintele noastre de a zbura mai departe de Planeta Albastra, cu ideile de a vedea mai departe de soare, cu visele de a cunoaste adevarul despre galaxii...am invatat sa zburam fara aripi.

Si chiar daca inca masuram totul in 4 dimensiuni (pastrandu.ne in limitele impuse de Teoria Relativitatii), speranta de a trece mai departe de ele nu ne paraseste.

Iata ca apare inca un film despre calatorie in timp.Probabil vei spune ca este exact de lipsea acum cu recesiunea:))
Trebuie totusi sa urmaresti povestea asta.Pe mine ma fascineaza cartea, cu care ma lupt acum in format pdf, iar filmul se anunta pe masura!

So....Enjoy the trailer!

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