nascut decretei, din prea multa dragoste si poate prea putine prezervative.
Pe noi, cuvintele TEC, Walkman si Cip ne bucurau nespus.
Generatia mea a trecut prin cele mai mari tranzitii tehnologice (iti mai aduci aminte calculatoarele din scoala generala?) si a facut fata admirabil.
Mai toti am avut parinti bugetari si am invatat sa ne multumim si cu mai putin.
Poate noi, mai devreme, nu am avut acelasi oportunitati, in comparatie cu noile generatii....dar asta ne.a facut ceea ce suntem azi.
Sa nu uitam niciodata de unde am pornit, dar mereu sa privim inainte catre ce vom putea deveni.
This one goes out to the man who minds the miracles
This one goes out the ones in need
This one goes out the sinner and the cynical
This ain't about no apology
This road was paved by the hopeless and the hungry
This road was paved by the winds of change
Walking beside the guilty and the innocent
How will you raise your hand when the call your name?
Yea, Yea, Yea,
We Weren’t born to follow
Come on and get up off your knees
When life is a bitter pill to swallow
You gotta hold on to what you believe
Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow
And that’s a saints and sinners pleas
We weren’t born to follow
You gotta stand up for what you believe
Let me hear you say
Yea, Yea, Yea, ooooohhh,, Yea
This ones about anyone who does it differently
This ones about the one who doesn’t sit and spits
This ain’t about our living in a fantasy
This ain’t about giving up or giving in
Yea, Yea, Yea,
We Weren’t born to follow
Come on and get up off your knees
When life is a bitter pill to swallow
You gotta hold on to what you believe
Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow
And that’s a saints and sinners pleas
We weren’t born to follow
You gotta stand up for what you believe
Let me hear you say
Yea, Yea, Yea, ooooohhh,, Yea
Let me hear you say
Yea, Yea, Yea, oooohhhhh, Yea
Yea, Yea, Yea,
We Weren’t born to follow
Come on and get up off your knees
When life is a bitter pill to swallow
You gotta hold on to what you believe
Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow
And that’s a saints and sinners pleas
We weren’t born to follow
You gotta stand up for what you believe
Let me hear you say
Yea, Yea, Yea, ooooohhh,, Yea

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