Ceriza's playlist - Fun House

"Iti aduci aminte serile cu povesti rusesti? Si petrecerile din sufragerie?
Cum era cand ne jucam de-a Sailor Moon?"

"Sau cand ne faceam lectiile la birouri gemene...."

"Iti mai aduci aminte mesele de sambata dimineata, in sufragerie, uitandu.ne la Columbo?"

"Era atat de frumos cand plecam la plimbare si tata fluiera fredonand melodii..."

"Sau cand mama facea tortul ei cu mere..."

"Cand au trecut toate astea? Si unde s.au ascuns?"

"Poate sunt sus, in dulap, langa coronitele noastre de premiante..."

Trecand peste melancolia mea, provocata de vreme si presiunea atmosferica si ajungand la lucruri ceva mai serioase, Pink se afla in acest moment in turneul de promovare al noului ei album, Funhouse.

So Enjoy melodia care da numele albumului!

I dance around this empty house
Tear us down
Throw you out
Screaming down the halls
Spinning all around and now we fall

Pictures framing up the past
Your taunting smirk behind the glass
This museum full of ash
Once a tickle
Now a rash

This used to be a funhouse
But now it's full of evil clowns
It's time to start the countdown
I'm gonna burn it down down down
I'm gonna burn it down

9, 8, 7, 6 5 4, 3, 2, 1, fun

Echoes knocking on locked doors
All the laughter from before
I'd rather live out on the street
Than in this haunted memory

I've called the movers
Called the maids
We'll try to exorcise this place
Drag my mattress to the yard
Crumble tumble house of cards

This used to be a funhouse
But now it's full of evil clowns
It's time to start the countdown
I'm gonna burn it down down down
I'm gonna burn it down

This used to be a funhouse
But now it's full of evil clowns
It's time to start the countdown
I'm gonna burn it down down down
I'm gonna burn it down

9, 8, 7, 6 5 4, 3, 2, 1, fun

Oh, I'm crawling through the doggy door
My key don't fit my lock no more
I'll change the drapes
I'll break the plates
I'll find a new place
Burn this fucker down

do do do do dodo do
do do do do dodo do
do do do do dodo do
do do do do dadadada
do do do do dodo do (9, 8, 7, 6 5 4, 3, 2, 1)
do do do do dodo do
do do do do dodo do
do do do do dodo doo

This used to be a funhouse
But now it's full of evil clowns
It's time to start the countdown
I'm gonna burn it down down down
I'm gonna burn it down

This used to be a funhouse
But now it's full of evil clowns
It's time to start the countdown
I'm gonna burn it down down down
I'm gonna burn it down
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Ceriza's playlist : Destressiunea incepe cu stress!

Maine incepe Destressiunea!!!!!
Party people gather together !!

Si cum Teo a fost extrem de stresanta, cantand aceasta melodie....am spus ca pentru ea fac orice (doar doar o sa taca:)))

So, Teo: Enjoy, HI-Q "Asa-s prietenii" !

Ne auzim cu stiri noi dupa weekend!
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Michael Jackson a stapanit lumea

Am crescut cu muzica lui Michael Jackson in sange.Am ascultat casetele pana la epuizare.Am visat sa pot dansa ca si el.Doream sa merg la concertele lui.Era un zeu in copilaria mea si acum...acum Michael Jackson va ramane sa traiasca in sufletele fanilor.
Un rege nu moare si nu este uitat.Pentru ca ceea ce a lasat Michael Jackson in urma nu este doar muzica unei generatii: este muzica pamantului si a oamenilor.
Nu imi pasa de viata sa personala.
El va ramane in amintirile mele pe scena, dansand si cantand.
Michael Jackson a fost Regele pentru mine.Probabil fiecare generatie are unul.Inaintea lui a fost Elvis....nu se stie cine urmeaza.Big shoes to fill.

Michael Jackson nu a murit si nu va fi uitat.
Pentru ca el a stapanit lumea.

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Ai blog-appeal ?

Eu aparent am.Afla si u: da click mai jos.

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Old vs. New - Blood: The last Vampire

"Blood: The last Vampire" a fost printre primele anime.uri care mi.au starnit curiozitatea in perioada liceului.Este exceptional realizat, cu o poveste sangeroasa si o eroina plina de mister.Ca sa nu mai vorbim de katane, sange si monstrii:D

Ieri am descoprit existenta unui film, bazat pe lung.metrajul despre care va povesteam.
In aparenta, cele doau trailere par sa spuna aceeasi poveste, dar pentru un fan...filmul se poate dovedi o dezamagire.
Va las pe voi sa judecati daca merita sau nu.

(Buraddo Za Rasuto Vanpaia - 2000 )

(Blood: the last Vampire - 2009)
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Ceriza's playlist - All summer long

Gata!A venit vacanta.
Si e soare si e cald(de te topesti) si la sfarsit de saptamana e Destressiunea!!!!
Pana atunci ascult muzica si imi fac planuri pentru o vara ce se anunta the best of my life!

So enjoy,Kid Rock - "All summer long"

It was 1989, my thoughts were short my hair was long
Caught somewhere between a boy and man
She was seventeen and she was far from in-between
It was summertime in Northern Michigan
Ahh Ahh Ahh
Ahh Ahh Ahh

Splashing through the sand bar
Talking by the campfire
It's the simple things in life, like when and where
We didn't have no internet
But man I never will forget
The way the moonlight shined upon her hair

And we were trying different things
We were smoking funny things
Making love out by the lake to our favorite song
Sipping whiskey out the bottle, not thinking 'bout tomorrow
Singing Sweet home Alabama all summer long
Singing Sweet home Alabama all summer long

Catching Walleye from the dock
Watching the waves roll off the rocks
She'll forever hold a spot inside my soul
We'd blister in the sun
We couldn't wait for night to come
To hit that sand and play some rock and roll

While we were trying different things
And we were smoking funny things
Making love out by the lake to our favorite song
Sipping whiskey out the bottle, not thinking 'bout tomorrow
Singing Sweet Home Alabama all summer long
Singing Sweet Home Alabama all summer long

Now nothing seems as strange as when the leaves began to change
Or how we thought those days would never end
Sometimes I'll hear that song and I'll start to sing along
And think man I'd love to see that girl again

[Repeat Chorus x2]

Singing Sweet Home Alabama all summer long
Singing Sweet Home Alabama all summer long
Singing Sweet Home Alabama all summer long
Singing Sweet Home Alabama all summer long
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2012 : The End is Nigh!

2012.Este anul ce se anunta o mare surpriza pentru noi toti.Fie ca pamantul va fi distrus, fie ca viata va continua, un lucru este sigur: Roland Emmerich s-a hotarat sa mai regizeze un film despre sfarsitul lumii.
[In cazul in care nu ai mai auzit de Roland Emmerich click aici]

So enjoy the trailer...pentru ca nu se stie cat va mai exista internet:))

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De unde vin bebelusii?

De la PIXAR, desigur.

Un nou scurt-metraj vine sa ne incante, chiar inainte de vizionarea filmului "UP"
Ca intodeauna, cei de la PIXAR reusesc sa surprinda, in doar cateva minute, o poveste fascinanta de prietenie.

So, enjoy "Partly Cloudy"

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Ceriza's playlist - Order Made

In liceu aveam o mare pasiune: anime.urile.
Cred ca am inghitit peste 50 de serii diferite.Majoritatea aveau teme gotice (Vampire hunter D, Hellsing, Trinity Blood), dar au fost si cateva ceva mai romantice.
De aici mi.a venit ideea cu parul portocaliu (mai precis de la personajul Ceras Victoria din Hellsing- trebuie sa recunoastem....seman nitzel, nu?).
Animeurile inca fac parte din viata mea...pentru ca invat in timpul liber japoneza.

Zilele trecute am descoperit clipul celor de la Radwimps.Te rog, fara preconceptii, asculta/citeste textul acestei melodii.

So enjoy, Order Made by Radwimps.

I'm sure I was probably asked
before I was born, by someone from somewhere
"I will make it so you can see
either the past or the future, so
which do you want?"

And then, I probably chose the past
So that I can become, so I may become
a kind person rather than a strong person
So that I understand what "memories" are

Continuing, That Somebody said to me
"arms, legs, mouths, ears, eyes,
hearts, breasts, and the holes in your nose,
I'll give you two of each, so
isn't that great?"

But I asked a favor
"I'm fine with just one mouth" I said
So that I don't fight with myself
So that I can only kiss one person

This kind of feeling that I want to forget, but can't
What do you call it?

That person with a slightly displeased face
He began to speak again, cuz he had to
"The heart, which is most important
I'll put one in each side of your chest, so
isn't that great?"

Yet again I asked a favor
I'm sorry, but as for me
I don't need the heart on my right side
sorry for always saying selfish things"

That is so that when I meet an important person
And I hold her
I will understand for the first time
That our two beats sound on both sides of our chest.

The left is mine, and the right is yours
The left is yours, and the right is mine
So that when I am alone, there is something missing
So that I do not live on alone

This kind of feeling that I want to forget, but can't
What do you call it?

My chest is a flutter, but this kind of feeling
that is so nostalgic, what do you call it?

"By the way, There's just one more thing
should I add "tears" as an option?
Even without it, there is no impediment, but
some people don't add it, because it's a pain.
What will you do?"

And then, I asked a for it
So that I can become, so I may become
a kind person rather than a strong person
So that I understand what "importance" is

"So, by the way, as for the flavor of the tears
choose a flavor you like
They're sour, salty,
hot, sweet,
choose any one you like
Which one do you want?"

Has everything been granted
the way you hoped?
So show me your face
that is always crying
well, show me proudly"

"Thank you very much
Sorry to have troubled you with so much
May I ask just one last thing?

Have we met somewhere before?"
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Love this world!

Azi iubesc planeta!Azi ma gandesc cum o putem salva.
Azi sunt bucuroasa!
Privesc pe geam si...I kinda wanna break into song:D

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Ceriza's playlist - I wish....

...I was braver
...I had a real family
...I could see lamp posts
...she loved me more
...he'll loosen up
...I were immortal
...I had a home of my own
...they will never leave me.
This is what I wish now.

Incubus wished I was there:D

I dig my toes into the sand
The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds
Strewn across a blue blanket
I lean against the wind
Pretend that I am weightless
And in this moment I am happy...happy

I wish you were here
I wish you were here
I wish you were here
I wish you were here

I lay my head onto the sand
The sky resembles a backlit canopy
With holes punched in it
I'm counting UFOs
I signal them with my lighter
And in this moment I am happy...happy

I wish you were here
I wish you were here
I wish you were here
Wish you were here

The world's a roller coaster
And I am not strapped in
Maybe I should hold with care
But my hands are busy in the air saying:

I wish you were here
I wish you were

I wish you were here
I wish you were here
I wish you were here
Wish you were here

(Merci Adi pentru inspiratie)
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Azi in Bucuresti

In parcul Tineretului
Azi am fost sa ne relaxam in parc.Si pentru ca voleiul si bronzatul ne.au deschis apetitul, am incercat si cateva senzatii ce ofera adrenalina.

Va recomand din suflet sa nu mancati inainte nimic:)
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Glume de Stressiune

1.Un student la cantina. Gaseste un loc liber langa profesor.
Profesorul: - Lebada porcului nu-i este prieten.
Studentul: - Bine, atunci eu am zburat.
Profesorul se supara si hotari sa-l pice la examen. Ii da cele mai grele intrebari, dar studentul raspunde foarte bine. La sfarsit, profesorul ii pune o ultima intrebare:
- Mergi pe drum si vezi doi saci: unul cu aur si unul cu minte. Pe care il alegi?
- Pe cel cu aur.
- Dar eu l-as lua pe cel cu minte.
- Asta pentru fiecare ce-i lipseste.
Profesorul innebuneste si scrie pe lucrare “Magar”. Studentul, fara sa se uite in ea se ridica si pleaca. Peste un timp se intoarce si spune:
- D-le profesor, ati semnat, dar nu mi-ati pus nota.

2.Anunt intr-un camin studentesc:Schimb un covor 12
m. pe o bucata de slanina de aceleasi dimensiuni..

3.Care este cel mai scurt shi cel mai bun banc?
"Un student si-a cumparat un apartament"
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Spell with flickr

O noua jucarie!
Cautand nu-stiu-ce pe internetul lung si lat, am dat de acest site.
Ce stie sa faca?
Ei, bine....iti poate scrie orice cuvinte (propozitii, fraze- te.ai prins, nu?) cu litere preluate din imagini.
So, daca ai timp de pierdut, poti sa te joci nitzel cu el.

letter C E R i letter S letter E
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Azi in Bucuresti

De dimineata....am prins rasaritul.
Doi dintre bloggerii mei preferati ma insoteau, dupa o noapte lunga in club Maya.
Merci Adi si Panda:D
Cat despre lumina....poti observa si tu...Riding into the light

Mai multe poze probabil la Panda.
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1 luna 2 saptamani si 16 ore...

...Atat dureaza pacea interioara.
Atat tine linistea si bunatatea.
Poate unora le este greu sa accepte cand sunt invinsi.Mie imi este deja atat de usor...
Poate imi este doar frica sa spun cuvintele: "s-a terminat".
Am crezut ca pot sa inlocuiesc un rau mare cu unul mai mic.Si pentru o luna, doua saptamani si 16 ore (fix), a mers.Dar nu mai mult.
Tot ce mai pot spera acum este sa rezist.Nu pentru mult....

Voi gasi o portitza si voi evada.Trebuie!
Si atunci voi putea spune eu cine este familia mea.Cine ma face cu adevarat fericita si cine imi face rau.

"Mai ai putina rabdare"....si pastreaza.ti luciditatea!

Inca putin....
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Leapsa : Raspunsuri

Am gasit o scurta leapsa pentru bloggeri plictisiti si care nu au chef de invat in stressiune.
Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa....hai k esti mare te prinzi repede.

sunt - vampir
as vrea - sa fiu dreapta
pastrez - toate biletele de la concerte
mi-as dori - sa fiu fotograf
ma tem - de ceea ce se ascunde in intuneric
aud - natura
imi pare rau - ca nu pot sa skiez
imi plac - relatiile altora
nu sunt - ceea ce par
cant - foarte foarte incet (nu vreau sa fuga lumea de langa mine)
niciodata - nu am sa renunt la idealuri (chiar daca ele se vor schimba)
rar - ma indragostesc
plang - intodeauna la Flori pentru Algernon
nu sunt multumita - cand cineva isi incalca promisiunea
nu imi place - sa fiu intrerupta din visare
sunt confuza - inainte de un examen
am nevoie - de tine....sa ma...asculti (parca asa era:P)
ar trebui - sa scriu o carte

Dau mai departe catre o lista destul de lunga (sa vedem dak incap toti):
Panda, Dan, Teea, Florin, Adi,Tykryt si Adina....aaa si Roxana
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Azi in Bucuresti


Academia Militara

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Execuţia : solutia Iranului pentru bloggerii incomozi

Daca justitia va decide ca opiniile exprimate pe Internet aduc ofense regimului, bloggerii din Iran risca sa fie condamnati la moarte, a anuntat Realitatea TV(miercuri 10.06.2009).

In Iran, pedeapsa cu moartea este aplicata celor care sunt gasiti vinovati de: crima, viol, adulter dar si de homosexualitate. La acestea se adauga subminarea Republicii Islamice sau ofensele aduse Islamului.

Se pare insa ca in aceasta categorie ar putea intra si cei care isi creaza site-uri sau bloguri si sunt gasiti vinovati ca aduc ofense regimului. Legea a fost aprobata de Parlament, iar acum este in discutie la Consiliul Gardienilor Revolutiei.

Iranul are conform statisticilor cea mai mare comunitate de bloggeri din lume raportat la numarul de locuitori, multe din blogurile acestora fiind axate pe activitati si articole ce se opun ideilor regimului.

Anual 16 bloggeri sunt arestati in intreaga lume, mai multe de jumatate din arestari avand loc in Iran, China si Egipt.

In continuare te las sa urmaresti un scurt film realizat de studentii de la Vancouver Film School in cadrul programului VFS Digital Design.

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Ceriza's playlist - Her Diamonds

In topul CityFM de saptamana trecuta, melodia "Her Diamonds" a lui Rob Thomas era pe locul 12.Dar merita sa ajunga pe primul loc.
Tu ce crezi?

Oh what the hell she says
I just can't win for losing
And she lays back down
Man there's so many times
I don't know what I’m doin'
Like I don't know now

By the light of the moon
She rubs her eyes
Says it's funny how the night
Can make you blind
I can just imagine
And I don't know what I’m supposed to do
But if she feels bad then I do too
So I let her be

And she says oooh
I can't take no more
Her tears like diamonds on the floor
And her diamonds bring me down
Cuz I can't help her now
She’s down in it
She tried her best and now she can't win it's
Hard to see them on the ground
Her diamonds falling down

She sits down and stares into the distance
And it takes all night
And I know I could break her concentration
But it don't feel right

By the light of the moon
She rubs her eyes
[ Rob Thomas Lyrics are found on www.songlyrics.com ]
Sits down on the bed and starts to cry
And there's something less about her
And I don't know what I’m supposed to do
So I sit down and I cry too
And don't let her see

And she says oooh
I can't take no more
Her tears like diamonds on the floor
And her diamonds bring me down
Cuz I can't help her now
She’s down in it
She tried her best and now she can't win it's
Hard to see them on the ground
Her diamonds falling down

She shuts out the night
Tries to close her eyes
If she can find daylight
She’ll be all right
She’ll be all right
Just not tonight

And she says oooh
I can't take no more
Her tears like diamonds on the floor
And her diamonds bring me down
Cuz I can't help her now
She’s down in it
She tried her best and now she can't win it's
Hard to see them on the ground
Her diamonds falling down
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Agentia de publicitate cu site pe YouTube

Blogul Iqads prezinta astazi o inedita campanie de marketing:

Site map

Home page: BooneOakley.com este redirectat spre filmul de home page, care a totalizat 228.000 de vizualizari.

Meniu: 4 sectiuni, care au cate un film dedicat: "Work by client”, "Work by medium”, "News, Bios, Etc.”, "Contact Us”, fiecare totalizand intre 30-40.000 afisari, cu exceptia contactului, care a ramas la 15.000.

Submeniuri: in fiecare sectiune, butoane pentru fiecare client si pentru fiecare medium, care duc spre filmuletele corespunzatoare, cu executii. Acestea au sub 10.000 de vizualizari, dar chiar si asa, e mai mult decat si-ar fi putut imagina vreodata. Anticipand, probabil, ca 3 pasi prin acest site (incarcarea a 3 filme) vor fi prea multi pentru majoritatea vizitatorilor; au inclus cele mai seducatoare executii in home page, pentru ca toata lumea sa-si poata face o impresie despre agentie de la bun inceput.

Intr.o lume in continua evolutie, intodeauna vom avea idei noi.Nu va exista niciodata o lipsa acuta de idei bune.So enjoy o mica plimbare prin site.ul celor de la BooneOakley
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Ceriza's playlist - End of the World

In Anglia ninge vara, iar in Romania europarlamentarii au fost alesi: EBa si Becali.
Ambele te fac sa simti ca vine Apocalipsa, nu?

Enjoy Ash si melodia lor "End of the World".

Is this the end of the world (2x)

I'm feeling low today
Is this the latest fashion
What do the papers say
Well then i'm bored already
I could die, would anybody really notice

I can't relate today
I've never felt so lonely
Is this the modern world
Maybe i'm dead already
That's the catch, it's such a beautiful confusion

Is this the end of the world (3x)
Ah-hh, ah-hh

I breathe the motorway
Just for the sake of breathing
I turn the tv on
Don't know what to believe in

Uh ah, uh ah, uh uh uh, oh-hh yeah
Uh ah, uh ah, uh
is this the end of the world (4x)

Can hardly see the stars
There's too much light pollution
Is this reality
Or just some new illusion
That's the catch, it's such a beautiful confusion
That's the catch
It's - such - a - beautiful - confusion
I - can't - stand - it

Is this the end of the world (4x)

The end of the world

Is this the end of the world (This beautiful confusion) (4x)

Ahh-hh, ahh-hh, ahh-hh
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Si pentru ca astazi e si ziua Adinei....m-am gandit sa ii aleg special o melodie.

Aceasta e melodia noastra: a ta,a Gabitzei si a mea.
Dar toata lumea poate sa enjoy!

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Pentru unul din cei mai nebuni colegi de facultate...si pentru un prieten bun (pe care nu ma voi putea supara prea tare niciodata.)

Pentru ochelarii de soare si papucii rosii care au ramas in urma noastra la mare:D
Ah, da ....pentru cel care m-a ajutat sa devin Ceriza.

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Si pentru ca vampirul nostru tot vampir ramane(chiar daca adauga cateva kg in plus:)) sau este imblanzit de Politehnica), aceasta melodie merge catre Zardoz!
La multi ani!!!

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Ceriza's playlist - Francis Cabrel

O fosta colega de liceu mi.a adus aminte de o melodie superba, pe care o ascultam pe cand franceza era una din pasiunile mele...au trecut aproape doi ani de cand nu am mai ascultat " Je l'aime à mourir " a lui Francis Cabrel.

So, enjoy! sau mai bine zis: Ainsi, apprécier!

Moi je n'étais rien,
Mais voilà qu'aujourd'hui
Je suis le gardien
Du sommeil de ses nuits,
Je l'aime à mourir.

Vous pouvez détruire
Tout ce qu'il vous plaira,
Elle n'aura qu'à ouvrir
L'espace de ses bras
Pour tout reconstruire,
Pour tout reconstruire.

Je l'aime à mourir.

Elle a gommé les chiffres
Des horloges du quartier,
Elle a fait de ma vie
Des cocottes en papier,
Des éclats de rires.

Elle a bâti des ponts
Entre nous et le ciel,
Et nous les traversons
A chaque fois qu'elle
Ne veut pas dormir,
Ne veut pas dormir.

Je l'aime à mourir.

Elle a dû faire toutes les guerres,
Pour être si forte aujourd'hui,
Elle a dû faire toutes les guerres,
De la vie, et l'amour aussi.

Elle vit de son mieux
Son rêve d'opaline,
Elle danse au milieu
des forêts qu'elle dessine,

Je l'aime à mourir.

Elle porte des rubans
qu'elle laisse s'envoler,
Elle me chante souvent
que j'ai tort d'essayer
De les retenir,
De les retenir,

Je l'aime à mourir.

Pour monter dans sa grotte
Cachée sous les toits,
Je dois clouer des notes
A ses sabots de bois,

Je l'aime à mourir.

Je dois juste m'asseoir,
Je ne dois pas parler,
Je ne dois rien vouloir,
Je dois juste essayer
De lui appartenir,
De lui appartenir,

Je l'aime à mourir.
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Ai grija pe cine trimiti la Bruxelles!

Europarlamentar - Gigi Melody

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Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

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Cuvinte scrise-n randuri

Cum ieri nu am avut chef sa invat (sa imi fie rusine) am cautat prin caietele cu prostioare scrise de mine, sa vad daca mai ma regasesc.Una din povestirile despre Cerise Delacroix se baza pe o insiruire de cuvinte (nu le consider chiar versuri), despre mare.
Si cum marea este cea care ma ispiteste si sesiunea asta, m.am gandit sa postez mica poezie.
Disclaimer : Nu ma dau rotunda cu veleitati de poet.Poti critica cat vrei, e o tara libera (sau asa ceva)

Văd valuri înspumate
Şi văd cerul albastru.
Simt plaja la picioare
Te văd plutind la mal...

Şi-alerg la tine aproape
Să văd de ţi-a fost teamă,
Ating palma ta aspră,
Şi plâng când te simt mort.

Căci marea cea meschină,
Te-a prins, rotit în valuri,
Te-a dus până-n adancuri
Şi-apoi mi te-a redat.

Dar suflu nu mai poartă,
Al tău piept nu mai mişcă
Şi-ai tăi ochi clar-albaştrii
Privesc spre mine-n gol...

Vezi valuri înspumate?
Şi chiar marea albastră,
Vezi plaja la picioare,
Mă vezi plutind spre mal?

Cerise Delacroix (2.06.2007)
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Tratament anti-stressiune

Nu ma pricep la spus bancuri dar, copy-paste pot sa dau:).
Si pentru ca de azi incepe stressiunea, iata cateva specialitati gatite de studenti:

1. Mai marii stiintei s-au adunat si au scris o carte cu toata stiinta.
Fiind curiosi in cat timp se poate invata acea carte merg la o renumita universitate din Germania. Gasesc un student eminent pe care il intreaba:
" In cat timp ai putea invata aceasta carte?" .
Dupa lungi cugetari si calcule studentul decide ca 4 luni sunt de ajuns.

Savantii merg apoi la o universitate din Franta unde un student la aceeasi intrebare spune ca 3 luni ar fi suficiente.

In cele din urma ajung savantii in Romania, unde il gasesc pe studentul nostru dormind cel mai adanc somn. Il trezesc cu chiu cu vai si il intreaba si pe el in cat timp ar putea invata cartea.

La care studentul cu jumate de ochi deschis incepe sa strige:
"Trezireaaaa maine avem examen!!!"

si inca unul:

2.Examen - test cu intrebari, la care raspunsul este "da" sau "nu". Unul dintre studenti arunca o moneda in sus si noteaza rezultatele.
Profesorul se gandeste:
"Acesta va termina primul".
Se termina examenul, toti pleaca, in afara de studentul cu moneda, care sta si o tot arunca. Profesorul se apropie si intreaba:
- Ei? Ai raspuns la intrebari?
- Da.
- Si ce faci acum?
- Controlez raspunsurile.

(merci Razvan pentru inspiratie)
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Si un mare pupik pentru Gabitza!

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Ceriza's playlist - I would stop time

Vara a inceput!

Si pentru ca marea ne.a chemat la ea inainte de stressiune, am avut un weekend exceptional alaturi de gasca (din 11 oameni doar 3 nu aveau blog:)))!
Dar acum incep examenele si deja ziua de ieri pare departe...
Cred ca o sa ma dau cu lotiune de plaja, o sa imi iau prosopul, papucii si ...o sa ma apuc de invatat:)

Dar tu, enjoy:

Lostprophets - Last Summer

The Friday sun bears down again
As we drive without friends
And on these longest days we spend
All the time trying to pretend
That our stories could be true
Our chance to be cool
The setting sunset says the day is through
If only we knew...
And we all sit around here in our home town
Listen to the waves as they all crash down
And watch the fire as it slowly burns away
Glowing embers fly across the sky

Here by my side, in my summer, our last summer
The world passes by in my summer, our last summer
The light makes shadows fall, surrounded by each other
Alive to watch it all, the view from our last summer
The view from our last summer...
We trace the sun across the sky

And we laugh till we cry
Always so hard to say goodbye (good bye)
And we all sit round here in our home town
It's so good like this, these are times we'll miss
The memories, I hope they'll never fade
Glowing embers lie across the sky

Here by my side, in my summer, our last summer
The world passes by in my summer, our last summer
The light makes shadows fall, surrounded by each other
Alive to watch it all, the view through our last summer
The view from our last summer...

I would stop time to stay with you
I would stop time so we don't move
I would stop time
I would stop time
I would stop time to keep you

Here by my side, in my summer, our last summer
The world passes by in my summer, our last summer
The light makes shadows fall, surrounded by each other
Alive to watch it all, the view from our last summer
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